Friday 3 February 2012

Young Man seeking Eligible Epiphany!

               I can hardly believe the first month of 2012 has already gone by. 1/12th (8.34%) of this year has already moved into the realm of historical existence. As it currently stands, I have lived through 19 years. This translates over to 230 months or halfway through my 1004th week on this earth. Today, Friday February 3rd, is the 7,025th day I have been alive. It seems rather amazing when it’s all broken down. But, what have I really accomplished so far in the cosmic scheme of things?

             As far as accomplishments in life, I have done relatively little that would warrant further examination. I see myself as the prodigal student. It’s astonishing to think of what others have already done in their lives in comparison to my own life. I do not like comparative politics, but I do believe it is necessary in order to give myself a kick in the pants. If I am to leave the Murphy mark somewhere on this planet, I would hope to do so within my own lifetime. So many of the great minds throughout history were scorned during their lifetimes, but later revered as brilliant and revolutionary! An epiphany is needed in order to merit my name joining the greats history has already provided...

          At this time in our history, the average human being will live to be slightly over the age of 80. To put this in perspective, this is about 30,000 days. By this logic, I have lived almost a quarter of my life on this planet (in reality about 23.4%, assuming that I managed to live through 30,000 days, but that doesn’t sound nearly as clear and lovely as a quarter of my lifetime). Of course as technology and medical science continually advances, it’s likely the human lifespan shall be extended. I must ask myself, what am I ultimately trying to accomplish? I’m open to ideas...  


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