Friday 24 February 2012

Sci-Fi Living

            The past week has been quite a lovely time away from my life as a student. I was fortunate enough to have a few days to spend at my sister’s place in the valley, away from the usual humdrum nature of my life in Dartmouth. It was rather enjoyable to have a few days of nothing but quiet and time to myself. Considering that my sister and her boyfriend work full-time, the place was essentially mine for the three day period I was there. I intended to have a rather relaxed break, which I feel I was quite successful in doing. My break has consisted of a plethora of Stargate episodes (approximately 110 in the last week and a half) and casual work on the multitude of assignments I currently have to do.

In regards to Stargate, I recently made a bet with a friend. The bet entailed that I would be able to get through all of Stargate Sg-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Universe before I write my exams in April (he of course stipulating that I would not be able to do so). As you can tell, I am well on my way to winning this bet. There are 340 episodes from all the shows compiled, as well as three movies for the original show. You might have guessed that I love science fiction, and am in fact quite a bit of a “nerd” (which would probably be putting it a bit lightly). It hardly comes as any surprise if an individual were to look through my previous blogs, or if indeed they have ever talked to me in person. Arguably I am a... unique personality.

 Naturally, I find myself to be quite a fanciful lad. Though I may have a rather quirky viewpoint of life, I still can be rather down to earth and serious. I merely happen to prefer living in the world that abounds within my mind. The possibility of interstellar travel, or time travel, or indeed any thought of things greater than our current level of existence excites me far more than anything that currently exists in reality. I find such ideas much more enticing than any person, but alas many people do hold such ideas. I am not a man to suffer fools lightly. This being said, I am not so closed minded to shut out your thoughts. I encourage you to attempt to entice me with any number of thoughts, ideas or tangents.

 And yes, I do own the box set pictured above.

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