Friday 17 February 2012

Bedridden and Thought Provoked...

            Thank goodness for reading week! The past week has been a particularly painful one. Having completed midterms yesterday, I can finally recover from this horrendous sickness. It’s been three days and I have been getting progressively worse every day. Today is a particularly quiet day in the Murphy household. I have been quarantined in my bedroom to avoid infecting the general populous. However, being sick provides me a great opportunity to dwell on my thoughts. With the inability to do anything of particular value, I’m caught up in that age old question, “where exactly is my life going?”   
In actuality my life is in the same situation it has been in for the past three years. I want to travel, have enough money to be comfortable, and get away from here. I’m not particularly social in nature, and have no real ties to Nova Scotia. I do love my family, but I desire to escape the humdrum nature that my life has become. I’m not so much unhappy, but rather unsatisfied with what my life has become. I dislike that I harp on about this subject so often but it really is the only major issue that needs addressing in my life. I mean, I’m open to someone breathing life back into the corpse that is my love life, but it’s a rather uninteresting subject on the face of it.

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to go to school somewhere far away from here in the coming year. I have had offers from family members to go to school in Calgary or Edmonton, as well as the far closer valley. While it would be nice to go back to Alberta, I’m not sure what opportunities exist out there. Granted, it would be beneficial to go out there for a year and experience it to see what exactly could exist for a person of my extensive (and useless) array of skills. Hopefully as time goes on, life shall present itself with an adequate offering. If not, I shall likely further descend into madness! Hopefully that doesn’t happen anytime soon... Regardless, I hope everyone has a pleasant reading week!


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