Sunday 18 March 2012

Familial Responsibility

          I must admit, I completely forgot about posting a blog this past week. I had fallen into a comfortable system of posting every Friday over the past 9 weeks. However, this Friday I was rather distracted and fell out of my normal routine. As disconcerting as this may be for my classmates, they can only imagine how shocking it is for me to fall out of routine! Naturally my first thought was to post a blog as quickly as possible in a futile attempt to remedy my forgetfulness.

My distraction has spawned from the fact that my parents are going away this weekend. My parents leave in a couple of hours to go away to Jamaica to celebrate their 24th wedding anniversary. Since they’ll be away for a week, I’ll be in charge of the Murphy household. This has made me wonder about the responsibility I hold in my personal life under normal circumstances, as well as extenuating circumstances such as these.

         In general, I oversee the minor details of the household. I occasionally cook, I often (obsessively) clean, but I maintain my role as a sibling rather than a guardian. I have been quite fortunate when it comes to my family life. My little sister is an excellent student, a lovely child and generally a good person. I don’t foresee there being any problems while the parents are away, but it is somewhat intimidating that I’m in charge of her well being. Mind you, I consider myself to be a rather competent individual but such a great degree of personal responsibility is... daunting to say the least. I have intentionally lived my life only having to care for my own needs. I love my family deeply, but I prefer not to have to worry about the well-being of others.

          This has made me look at my life in a broader spectrum. I am certain that I am nowhere near parenthood. I neither have the means or intention to have children until I have at least established a career base (which could be anywhere between 3-8 years from now). I don’t mind taking care of my little sister, heck, I even enjoy it! She is not a rebellious teen, nor is she overly rambunctious. Our sense of humor is quite similar. The only major difference is that she is a social butterfly while I am the social pariah. I have taken care of her before, but never in a situation where I will be in control for an extended period of time. I do not relish the idea of being a caregiver, even if only temporarily, but I shall attempt to carry the mantle as best I can! 


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