Friday 20 January 2012

Toast the Crumpet of your Soul!

            As every day goes by, I realize just how little I actually know about life. In my mind, I often see myself as a brilliant, handsome, charming, hilarious and generally wonderful lad. I admit that this is a slightly biased account of my own existence. In actuality, I’m a rather simple fellow who happens to maintain rather basic mental faculties.

However, I feel most people see themselves in a somewhat unrealistic light. Unfortunately, we tend to go from one extreme to the next. I may love myself one day, and hate myself the next. Lately though, I’ve been attempting to fill my life with things that only further enable my delusions. I enjoy being unconventional! I deal expertly in self-depreciation. If you can’t laugh at yourself, you’ll never be able to enjoy life.  

It seems that we as human beings never do laugh enough. It’s so easy to simply let life pass us by and not allow for some small indulgences. No matter how busy my life may be, I find some time to watch an episode of a favorite show, or sit and read a passage from a favorite book. It is not known whether I will live for fifty more years or even fifty more minutes. I would rather have lived a life of enjoyment and amusement than to have lived in restraint and confinement. 

           Sitting here writing this, I am at the same time indulging my whimsical side. One of my favorite British comedy sketch shows plays, filling me with the greatest of mirth. To quote one of the sketches, “Toast the crumpet of your soul on these images.” I urge you to toast the crumpets of your souls on whatever you love to indulge in. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Life’s too short to always live for tomorrow. Lull yourself into indulgent oblivion, even if only for a moment. In the end, your life is a collection of the things you have done and experienced. Don't forget to experience the little things in life. Everything adds up in the end. 

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