Sunday 1 April 2012

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu.

            I merely wanted to write a final farewell blog to my fellow classmates. Having switched into the class the day after classes began, I must say, I’m quite pleased with how my decision turned out! It was probably the most enjoyable course I had this semester, and was one of the few courses in my post-secondary career to have pulled me out of my usual comfort zone. The class was made up of quite a diverse student body, and I’m all the better for having met you all!

I was lucky enough to get to know the handful of students I did, and regret that I didn’t have enough time to better acquaint myself with my other classmates. To be honest, I have too many stories to share about everyone to succinctly fit into one blog and wish I had time to reminisce about them all. I will do my best to mention those that come most prominently to mind.

Thank you to Thomas for our enjoyable and even hysterical political chats, and our shared sense of humor. Thank you to Justin for the amusing tales about my sibling as well as your charming view of life. Thank you to Kevin for a daily boost of entertainment both inside and out of the classroom. Thank you to Laura for sharing in the same form of sarcastic and cynical humor that we both know and love. Thank you to Mohammed for your hilarious attitude towards work and those that we work with. Thank you to Jude for proving that you’re more than just a reference to a popular Beatles song. Thank you to Talal for always having a smile to brighten up my day and an encouraging word to fuel the fire under my feet. Thank you to Melissa for your lovely demeanor and positive attitude every single day! Thank you to Bruce for sharing your knowledge and experience with those of us who will appreciate it further on down the road of life. Thank you to Karen for sharing her life experiences and her position as a role model in the class. Thank you to Adrienne for proving that height and humor go hand in hand quite perfectly! Thank you to Christina for our shared love of life, but more importantly, our shared love of food. Thank you to Haley for your enthusiasm and quirkiness both towards reality television and reality itself! Most of all, thank you to Professor MacMillan for your unique approach to life and teaching. Thank you for making the classroom an environment for interaction and growth, rather than the closed lecture method with which we are all familiar.

           I wish I had the chance to get to know all of you better, but unfortunately time did not permit as such. I apologize for not having a memory to share about all of you, but rest assured that you all made the class a joy to behold. I hope that all of you enjoyed whatever element I may have added to the course, and that you all have some sort of memory to equate with me. I wish everyone the best of luck in their futures and hope everyone has a magnificent summer! Good luck on your exams! May you all live long and prosper. Huzzah! 

If anyone is still checking these blogs, I thought I'd share a little Murphy magic with you.  


  1. Adam,

    Thank you for adding your own special sauce to the class stew! I agree this was the best class of the semester, a great prof and a special combination of personalities all mixed together to form a dynamic dish. I believe we all came out for the better, especially by knowing ourselves and each other all the more.

    Good luck on your exams and I hope to see you in future classes.


    1. Karen,

      I couldn't agree with you more! This was one of the few courses where I felt I actually got to know my classmates. The class was focused on much more than just content in the book, but in fact valuable lessons in life! I think we're all the better for having taken this course.

      I wish you the best of luck on your exams and with the rest of your life! I hope we get the chance to work alongside one another once again!

